
UMASS Guest Chef

I was the featured guest chef recently at the Franklin dining hall ay UMass Amherst cooking up a vegan menu in honor of Earth Day.  The event was coordinated by the P-Nut student group which teaches about the health and environmental benefits of adopting a plant-based diet.

It was a pleasure to work with the kitchen crew and give a presentation to students afterward.  So many great questions demonstrating a knowledge of sustainable agriculture, organics, the dangers of GMOs, and a concern for animals.

I wish I knew this much when I was a college student, and I wish they taught this kind of stuff back then!  Nonetheless, it gives me such hope that future generations will take care of our planet and lead people on the right path.

Pro Teknologi dibuat pada 22 Februari 2017. Blog ini adalah harapan saya agar dapat membagi manfaat kepada orang lain,berupa tips-tips Seputar Blog,Internet,Komputer,dan Info-Info Menarik lainnya.

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