
Introducing new series: Kitchen Cool! Secrets of a Vegan Personal Chef

I’m often asked how I manage to cook a week’s worth of meals in just a few hours, especially when it’s in a stranger’s kitchen.  The answer is simple:  by being fast, smart, and efficient.  This is a talent I’ve developed over the years through hours of practice, trial and error, and even a little sweat and tears (which no one sees when you’re cooking alone!).  Fortunately, I’ve made all the mistakes myself so you don’t have to, and instead you can just reap the benefits.  

In this series, I offer several of my tried and true kitchen techniques that I use on a daily basis whether cooking for myself, for a family, or for a large party.  These are the secrets to keeping cool in the kitchen.  It’s what has worked for me over the past ten years of running my business as a personal chef, and it can work for you in your kitchen, too!

We will begin tomorrow with the first step, and continue over the course of several weeks introducing techniques that will help you become more efficient in the kitchen and bring out the fun in cooking! 

Tomorrow, we will begin with the first step

Pro Teknologi dibuat pada 22 Februari 2017. Blog ini adalah harapan saya agar dapat membagi manfaat kepada orang lain,berupa tips-tips Seputar Blog,Internet,Komputer,dan Info-Info Menarik lainnya.

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