
Easy Peasy Vegan Cooking Demonstration

I recently gave a cooking demonstration in anticipation of the pre-launch of my new cookbook, Easy Peasy Vegan Eats:  Healthy Cooking for Busy Peeps.  The event was held in Suffield for the monthly Northern Connecticut Vegetarian Society potluck.  It was so nice to chat with vegan friends I haven't seen in awhile and to make some new connections.

The recipes I prepared are seasonal favorites, both of which are featured in the new cookbook.  The Spring Vegetable Quinoa Salad was surrounded on the plate by a drizzle of Easy Peasy Parsley Pistou, then garnished with sprigs of wild chive and a daffodil form my garden.  It's all about making food as pretty as it is tasty!

My favorite comment of the evening was from an attendee who had come to my presentation a year ago to see me make Cruciferous Vegetable Slaw (another one from the cookbook!).  She came up to me with a huge smile on her face and eagerly told me, "that recipe you made last year changed my life!!  I used to put broccoli and cauliflower in a casserole and bake them with cheese, but now I just shred them and eat them raw in the recipe you gave me.  It's so much easier and quicker to prepare, and SO delicious!" That really made my day!

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