
Ahimsa Health & Harmony Grand Opening!

It was a whirlwind of excitement welcoming everyone to my new vegan wellness center Ahimsa Health & Harmony this weekend.  Thank you to all who attended the Grand Opening! 

The hours of preparation made for a fabulous spread that was enjoyed by all.  

I've been reflecting on the many accomplishments over the past 13 years running my vegan personal chef service Well on Wheels and it seems like this was the perfect time to expand into a permanent home. People come to me because they want to eat a healthy diet that doesn't harm the planet or animals, but they don't know where to begin.  I help make it easy for them by cooking whole foods plant-based meals in the comfort of their own kitchens, and have shown hundreds of people how to make the vegan transition through private lessons and wellness coaching, cooking classes at public libraries, schools, adult education programs, engaging presentations at conferences and private events, staff retreats, and menu consulting.

I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to do more of this at Ahimsa Health & Harmony!  

Thank you to all of my clients, students, friends, fans and supporters!  It was a pleasure to celebrate with many of you this weekend. In particular I'd like to thank Dianne Wageman of Divine Treasures for donating a platter of incredible nut cheeses for this event, Steve LaPenta of The Bridge Tofu for donating a box of the best tofu on the planetScott Riley of Cambridge House Brew Pub for the growlers of amazing local brew, to everyone who has ever come to a cooking class or hired me to cook for them, and to my parents for their support over the years, and my mom for hostess service and dad for doorman duties during the party.    

cheese platter from Divine Treasures

Buffalo tofu bites made with The Bridge tofu

growlers of Cambridge House Brew Pub beer

I launched Ahimsa Health & Harmony because I wanted a place where likeminded people could gather and feel connected. The idea of a wellness center to me was a place that empowered people to take charge of their own health and become their best selves while also healing the planet. Following in that theme, the first official class at Ahimsa Health & Harmony will be “Planting a Chef’s Kitchen Garden” on Saturday, April 23.  Please register in advance to be sure there will be a spot for you!  Also in the works are a Vegan Culinary Tour of Hartford in May and a Tofu Making Tour at The Bridge in Middletown in June. 

Please “Like” and Share Ahimsa Health & Harmony and Well on Wheels on Facebook and tell your friends, family and co-workers about the amazing things happening here.  Remember our motto: 

“When we come together in unity with compassion for ourselves and all beings, we can heal the planet.”

And now for some more photos of the food and festivities!

buffet table in the classroom space

portobello pate with crudités 

sundried tomato arancini with roasted red pepper coulis

wheel of Kite Hill vegan brie

tempeh Waldorf salad 

raw "neatballs" with cashew béchamel and parsley pistou

spring quinoa salad with parsley pistou

cucumber, dill and cashew crema

eggless egg salad on endive boats made with The Bridge tofu

glutenfree lemonbundt cake with edible flowers 

gluten free double chocolate brownies

raw date nut truffles

happy daffodils on the windowsill


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