
Vegan Culinary Tour of New Haven (part 2)

We had such a blast on the first one that I had to schedule another tour because New Haven just has TOO MANY awesome places for vegan dining and we couldn't possibly fit them all in one trip.

The Vegan Culinary Tour of New Haven (Part 2) was held Saturday, July 26, 10:00-1:00. Twelve lucky guests toured five of New 
Haven's hidden gems that offer vegan menu items and sampled delicious treats such as tea, noodles, injera, curry, quinoa patties, un-chicken salad, muffins, tempeh reuben, chickpea mock tuna, cupcakes, brownies and cookies... all of it vegan of course!

Blue State Coffee
Book Trader Cafe
Katalina's Bakery
Lalibela Ethiopian Restaurant
The Green Teahouse

Please "like" them on Facebook and be sure to visit these awesome establishments in person and say you heard about them on the Vegan Culinary Tour!  Thank you Alexandra, Ryan, and Courtney from Blue State Coffee, Kelly, David and Jen from The Book Trader,  Ting from The Green Teahouse, Shilmat from Lalibela, and Kathy from Katalina's Bakery for making the second Vegan Culinary Tour such a success! 

Here are some photo highlights:

sampling quinoa, pistachio & dried cranberry salad

vegan chickpea "tuna"

tempeh reuben wrap with Daiya vegan cheese

Stop #2:  The Book Trader

sampling some tasty lunch items

quinoa burger with home made spicy mayo and vegan "unchicken" salad

the lovely Jen telling us about some special vegan events in the works

strawberry, almond and fresh basil muffins

look for the pink teapot

beautiful tablescape

sampling some High Peak Oolong Tea


pot of aromatic jasmine tea

Akiko-San's Noodles

owner Shilmat Tessema describing the vegan items on the daily lunch buffet 

greens & potatoes, spicy red lentil with berbere, zucchini & carrot

spongey injera

our happy & well-fed group

delish dish!  

another happy group shot

Final Stop:  Katalina's Bakery

the lovely Kathy Riegelman with her insanely good confections

I can't believe we ate all of these

look at that little sweetie!

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