
Easy Peasy Vegan Eats Book Launch

Earlier this month I held a book signing and raw food demonstration to celebrate the launch of my new cookbook, Easy Peasy Vegan Eats.  It seemed appropriate to hold this event at a place that has inspired me along my journey, Your Community Yoga Center in Hamden, where I take yoga classes and attend weekly meditation.  I am grateful to Jen Brosious for offering this lovely space as the setting to share what I do with you.

I don't always remember to take group shots, but I did a quick one before getting started.  It was nice to see every seat filled by the time I began my presentation.

I shared three raw recipes from the cookbook:  two were variations on cashew cheese sauces, one with horseradish and the other seasoned with chipotle pepper.  I piped the sauce in endive leaves and on zucchini rounds.

The other recipe was raw cacao coconut hemp truffles.  These were deliciously decadent, yet relatively guilt-free.

Thank you to everyone who came to this presentation and for listening to my stories of how I made the vegan transition.  As you know, making the decision to become vegan had a powerful effect on my life because it changed me in so many ways.  I'm glad to be able to share my experience with you.

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